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The Story
The filmmaker
Mason Engel is an author and filmmaker. His sci-fi novel, 2084, has earned bestseller status on Amazon, and his bookish documentaries, The Bookstour and Story Road, have appeared on public television and in major literary festivals.
The real-life "Great American Novel"
After 10 years of trying to make it as a writer in LA, Mason gives up. It's time to move home to Indiana. But not yet. Since he can't write a Great American Novel, he decides to live one. He travels to 50 states, reads 50 books, and interviews 50 authors, all in 50 days. Books Across America is his story ... and the story of readers everywhere.

Why do we tell stories?
Why do we read?
and, for Mason:
Is the road trip a search for answers or something more?

a film for the book lover
If that's you ...
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501(c)(3) Partner
A registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, E2AC connects award-winning content creators, mission-based organizations, and passionate funders who want to share their impact through the power of story.
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